
Tagged Game

Hi you alls !
Sorry, abaikan senyum kambing minah ni :(

Ha, saya ditag.
Tengok shoutbox nampak dari Syahirah and Rara
Game ni saya tau lama dah, tapi tak berapa kesah sebab TAK DAK ORG TAG SAYA (Huril'Ain buat ayat pasrah)

Ok, start :

The Rules are :
- you must post this rules
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journals
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post
- Go to their page and tell them that you have tag them
- No tag backs
- No stuffs in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately have to tag 11 people

11 things about me :
1.  My name is Huril 'Ain yang membawa maksud 'Bidadari Dari Syurga'(oleh kerana ramai yang menanyakan apa maksud nama saya.
2. I'm proud to be 97 line, 02 February. People in 97 line AWESOME gila !
3. I want to be an interior designer bawah bimbingan Eric Leong (ok, saya berangan)
4. My height is about <151 cm but > 155 cm.
5. Will be mangsa peperangan PMR tahun 2012
6. Saya anak ke-2 daripada 3 orang adik beradik
7. Son Dong Woon is my boyfiee~
8. I'm a librarian at SMK Ibrahim
9. I love arts very much.
10. Saya rasa sangat yakin bila kawan-kawan ngan family ada disamping saya.
11. Saya seorang yang suka tidur awal. 9.00 mlm dah menguap.

Answers for Syahirah :
1. Nickname saya banyak. Kalau nenek saya panggil saya 'En'. Kalau kawan sekolah rendah saya panggil saya 'Kucing'. Kalau sekolah menengah panggil saya 'SDW'. (nnti saya terangkan kenapa di jawapan soalan nombor 3)
2. Suka suka suka. :3
3. Son Dong Woon, B2ST. oleh kerana terlalu obses dan minatkan SDW ni, kelas pggl saya SDW.
4. Saya nak pergi Turki, I don't why. Mcm best ja. Ha, Ohio pun best gak.
5. She is my cousin, but kami selalu kongsi masalah. Nama dia Azza Zahida
6. I like to get an empty room, and decorate it wit my own creativity without any comments.
7. My favourite song is Greyson Chance - Unfriend You
8. I'm single.
9. Favourite colour are Light Coral, Light Pink. Boleh tengok dekat SINI
10. Actually tak minat bola, tapi boleh la. Chelsea kot
11. Saya tak berapa pasti soalan ni. I want my blog to be sweet and lovely. Sedap mata tengok. Tak serabut sangat.

Answers for Rara :
1. Nak, dah shout dah
2. Yes, I have follow you
3. Nice, comel. Anyway, I love pink too.
4. So far, it is 38. Ha memalukan.
5. I like.
6. Suka gila.
7. Emm, ?

My question for you :
1. What is your favourite place untuk tenangkan  fikiran ?
2. Suka makan tak ?
3. Do you crush on someone this year ?
4. Subject apa yang paling kamu tak suka ?
5. What do you think about your blog ?
6. Cantik, apa pendapat anda, PENTING or TAK PENTING ?
7. Phone yang kamu pakai sekarang
8. Benda yang kamu suka buat
9. Movie paling best yang pernah kamu tengoj
10. Your superwoman's (mom) name is ?
11. My blog, what do you think ?

I Tag You :
1. http://sixteenminutesleft.blogspot.com/
2. http://lolitswoonie.blogspot.com/
3. http://sorengsoreng.blogspot.com/
4. http://unordinarywizard.blogspot.com/
5. http://adlin-fadhlina.blogspot.com/
6. http://www.lisa-love-life.blogspot.com/
7. http://nurulainkamarul.blogspot.com/
8. http://lelalovehaziq.blogspot.com/
9. http://lalastoryla.blogspot.com/
10. http://thegirlofasian.blogspot.com/
11. http://comeleida.blogspot.com/

Papercraft Make My Deepavali Holiday Happier


Bila habiskan 3 hari sahaja untuk tengok Heartstring (15 ep)
Start wujudlah kebosanan dalam diri lepas tu
Ain pun mengambil 1 hari nak fikir benda apa nak buat
Lastas keluar mentol *toing toing
for those who don't know, papercraft ialah model kertas bentuk 3D
so, dgn adanya baki card paper, p ke lappy print.
ni hasilnya

yang bawah ni download kat SINI

bawah ni pulak ialah papermodel Big Bang
cuma yang sempat buat TOP and GD
kalau nak download, kat SINI

so, thanks :)


Day4 - The job that I like to have :D


The Job is Interior Designer

And saya start to design my own room decoration.
And saya suka game deco. sangat best ! <3
Bored . Muahhhaaaaaaaa :O


Day3 - Something That I think Of All the Time, but I never Say Out Loud


Shh ! Cannot :D
The thing that I think of all time is
Benda yang sangat membebankan
Dan benda tu tak boleh say out loud sebab benda ni semua orang alami
Dan jangan harap yang kita saja ada beban tu
Ada ramai lagi yang galas beban yang lagi berat.
So it is TANGGUNGJAWAB sbg pelajar, anak etc:
So do the best. For our parents.
Sebab parents yang jaga kita dari kecik :)


Day2 - Last movie that I saw In cinema


It was

Saya tgk Rango masa tu birthday my bestie , Fatini on 05 March 2011 (ok, mmg saya tak dibenarkan keluar sangat)
Johnny Depp
he's my husband (oh no) tak la.
i minat dia.
dia Style kalau orang kita cakap Staii~

Day1 - My First Crush


My First Crush, who was him ? Did I still talk to him ?

Crush saya yang pertama (betul punya, bukan tipu-tipu ) was in this year
He ...
Who was him ? 
He is a guy (of course la)
He's 14
Maybe if they (my friends) know about it, mesti diorang tak berapa setuju kot. ?
Did I still talk to him ?
No, kami tak pernah bercakap sama. Dan masih tak cakap.
I don't know why.
Malu kot =,= Menyampah terus


I Challenge Yah~


duk tak duk, rasa teringin post challenge : 

Starting this day, this is the challenge :

1 - Write about your first crush. Who was it? Do you still talk to them?
2 - What was the last movie you saw in theatres?
3 - What’s something you think of all the time, but never say out loud?
4 - Do you have a job? If you do, what is it and do you like it? If not, what job would you like to have?
5 - What’s in your bed right now? Take a picture of your bed.
6 - What’s a picture of yourself that not a lot of people have seen?
7 - What’s something you don’t usually blog about?
8 - Who’s someone that you used to be really close to, but you’re not anymore? 
9 - What’s something you worry about for the future? 
10 - Do you play any sports? 


Suka :)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

actually dia memang aku suka
dia orangnya

tadi sinaran baru dia bagi
haa- first time na

dia cakap ngan aku
* actually tanya ja pon "Huril, A1 keluaq tak gi?"
tu ja
tapi, it's kind of *tuing tuing (mata bersinar)
dia tak pernah cakap ngan aku, bukan cakap ja, bukak mulut pun tak la.
tetiba ja

ha~ 02 OCTOBER
Hehe. XD
Aku tahu perangai orang akan berubah